it always leads me here, leads me to your door

Spread 12, E St sm

Finally, after an almost seven month wait, spread 12 of the Davis Moleskine is complete! 12 of 12 – this is the last page. Why I waited so long I’m not exactly sure, but here it is. This is Bizarro Comics, next to Chipotle on E Street. It is where Bogey’s Books used to be (so named, probably, because of the excessive abundance Davis has in allergy season). This is a three-page-spread, and I decided to just tail it off at the end because it gives the promise of more to come, but I assure you this is the last page. I’ll do another thing now, with colour. Soon maybe.

I’ll post the whole spread all in one continuous shot at some point, when I can figure out how to have it on screen within my blog, but scrollable side to side.

In the meantime, you can see all the other Davis Moleskine spreads here