nanodrawmo 2012 – part 1

Back in 2010 I heard about NaNoDrawMo – it’s a bit like the annual month-long writing challenge NaNoWriMo (in which you must write a 50,000 word novel in a month), but this is for drawing, fifty drawings, a drawing being worth etc etc. In that year I drew fifty fire hydrants (and other metal pipes that come out of the ground). You may recall I like drawing them. Last year I was drawing people, but it ultimately didn’t get finished. This year however I am doing a series based on the EDM ‘Every Day Matters’ challenges, with a twist – a little piece of freestyle unedited and possibly nonsensical (or the opposite) writing to go with it. Given how much I have to do these days I might be barmy doing this project (I am), and over this next month you will get to see just how barmy (very), so for the sake of being concise I’ll present them as they are on the pages of my book, in groups of ten.
If you can’t read the writing don’t worry, just look at the pictures. In fact, just look at the pictures anyway…
NaNoDrawMo 1-2

NaNoDrawMo 3-5

NaNoDrawMo 6-7

NaNoDrawMo 8-10

3 thoughts on “nanodrawmo 2012 – part 1

  1. Jude says:

    But I want to be able to read what you write….I’m on day 28 of a 75 day sketch challenge. Maybe I’ll try the EDM list after a short break from the 75. I always enjoy your sketches and being a complete rookie at this, I pick up some pointers from your work too.

  2. M Handsaker says:

    Nanosketch #3…After reading about your adventures with the bus stops and running down dark roads, I would have gone home and had a beer instead of the noodles:-) All the sketches are interesting and lovely.

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