a thousand little pieces

And so… today is petescully.com’s second birthday! If it feels like it’s been longer, well it has. My old 20six blog went for precisely three years before this one, so this is in fact my fifth blogiversary. And if that weren’t enough…

This is my 1000th post. That is, post #400 in two years, following exactly 600 posts in the previous three years (just so you know, I also hit 800 posts on the same date, April 9th, last year – 200 posts a year, I am consistent at least!). Wow, one thousand posts. I had better stop counting. I have had it in mind to move over many (if not all) posts from my old blog to this, but that would be a long, slow process. A lot of the old blog is non-sketchbloggery, the tale of my last months in England, and my first years in the land of the Amer’cans.

A thousand posts. I should have a competition or something! Nah.

I though about making a list of some of my personal favourite posts from the thousand, but that seemed like a lot of work. One I did like though, from the old site, was: “My Newborn Son, Luke”: the first sketch of my son, January 2008. And you might want to see my first blog post from April 9, 2005, “Jellied Els”, wherein I was making silly jokes about the golf (I intend to continue this tradition this weekend during the Master’s). Oh, and here’s a drawing I still really like:

that's entertainmentSee:Graffiti About Slash Street Affairs October 2008

So where now? I will probably upload images to Zazzle to buy as postcards or something, since I hear that is a fun thing to do, and also finally get around to selling some originals on Etsy. I want to do this to help fund my trip to Portland for the Urban Sketching Symposium. Of course, this requires me to be organized.

The one thing I will say though, sketching regularly and posting online has allowed me to greatly improve everything about how I draw, and I can se a clear path between where I was and where I am through the work I have online. That is exciting; I wonder where I’ll end up? For all I know, in five years time I may have tired of sketching and moleskines and micron pens altogether and be making little models out of lego and play-doh (um, I’m already doing that). But seeing other people’s work online continues to inspire me and helps me mould my own voice.  

So my message remains the same, to all of you, pick up a pen, get some paper, and start drawing stuff around you, doesn’t matter what, doesn’t matter if it’s any ‘good’, it’s a record of who you are and where you are, and in years to come you will look at it and maybe even remember the thoughts that were going through your head as you drew. That is saving the world.

13 thoughts on “a thousand little pieces

  1. Morris says:

    For humanity & content in webmedium, *****
    Certainly in the vanguard, probably in the lead.
    Perhaps you could offer limited license-to-print editions(?)

  2. Nita says:

    5 years ago I started “drawing stuff” (inspired by Danny Gregory’s book and blog) and yes, it’s a wonderfully satisfying record of where I’ve been and the growth in my process. And checking into your blog and others have kept me inspired and going! Congratulations on your milestone and let’s all keep drawing!

  3. Mrs H says:

    I’m so glad Urban Sketchers posted a note about your website so that I could find it, your sketches are absolutely great and so inspiring. I’ve only just recently started learning to draw and although I’ve got a million and one things to learn and improve I love picking up my pen and just drawing for the hell of it :)

  4. petescully says:

    Aw thank you folks! that means a lot. I feel like I learn so much from following other artists online, but ultimately i like drawing because it’s enormous fun.
    Now I have to get around to posting some things on Etsy – keep tuned, honestly..!

  5. ashley says:

    i play legos even when my son is at his dads for the visit. hehehe
    little by little we have little lego “towns” taking over the book shelf, while i recycle the old books and buy another scoop of legos. life is good.

  6. mbracons says:

    Pete, I’m a real fan of your work, every day I take a look over your skecths and sometimes I even try to copy your style. Definetly, you are one of my inspirations and I think exactly the same about drawing, just keeps me alive!

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