but it’s still mightier than the sword

1, hold pen funny

I started a new series. It’s like the Save the World project, even in the same type of book, but semi-autobiographical. That doesn’t mean part-fiction, it means it’s not going to be the whole story, just some, y’know, miscellaneous details. Semi-attached. Remember those ’25 things about me’ memes that were flying about bloggiverse and facebookville a couple of months ago? Gave me an idea for a new sketchbook-long series. It might be entirely in cobalt copic, until I change my mind after three drawings and use olive green. Expect to see more little things from around the flat. I hope I didn’t draw them all last time round…

Anyway, yes, I hold my pen funny.

7 thoughts on “but it’s still mightier than the sword

  1. Rob Carey says:

    Great idea for a new sketchbook. As an elementary teacher myself, I know how teachers can be with their ideas about right and wrong ways to write and draw. I was told to draw Adam and Eve when I was in first grade and I was reprimanded for drawing them black! And, you probably know daVinci was left handed and wrote in his journals backwards. All that said, I agree with you- who cares how you hold your pencil. I’ve tried holding my pencil like you, just for fun, and I’d say it’s very effective for precision details, which you do so well.

  2. Ali Radwani says:

    i can see this in your your post [the varsity but bigger] “https://petescully.com/2012/08/22/the-varsity-but-bigger/” and agree with “Mandy Cunis”, after all you are doing a pretty sketches.

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