back to front, left to right

miscellaneous detail 1I am drawing lots of small objects at the moment, miscellaneous extraneous details if you will, onto a larger peice of paper than I normally work on. This, therefore, takes longer. I was hoping to have it finished this coming week (I may be entering it for something if I like it) but who knows?

Anyway here a couple of details.I am drawing it so that when it is finished, it will be square, and not obvious which way it should be hung. I always think that when I see some abstract piece in a modern art gallery. Perhaps the artist had one way of hanging it in mind (presumably the way he or she painted it) but when he or she gave it to a gallery they hung it sideways, or upside down (or backwards even, you never know). And then that way stuck, and the artist never let on, because he thought it was funny. And then some rich wannabe buff buys it and hangs it in his mansion, and selected art-savvy hangers-on sycophants come by and smirk because he doesn’t realise he’s hanging it sideways, and they laugh at thim while he’s in the toilet, and then the artist walks in and says it’s not sideways, it’s upside down, and they don’t know whether to smirk or cry, but nobody tells the buff in the bog. It has probably never happened, but it would be funny (in a bad predictable sitcom kind of way).

Anyway… here’s how I am doing. I love my noodles.

miscellaneous detail 2

5 thoughts on “back to front, left to right

  1. wagonized says:

    I enjoy getting lost in those drawings — they are so full of surprises. Yes, they do require some tilting of the head, left and right, to “read” them. I am fond of the black and white, Pete.

  2. petescully says:

    cheers! i enjoy these sorts of drawings but don’t do them very often. And this one will stay black and white, too. If I ever put it on the wall, i might have it spin around.

  3. ZooMan55 says:

    After having “sculked” to your site before, I am moved to comment on this. I really like the andomness of the materials chosen and just loved your bit of a story on hanging a piece like this. I have wondered the same thing at times when gazing at a piece that, given the opportunity, I wouldn’t know which way to hang. Although, the part about the artist correcting the self proclaimed art-savy was the best punchline. Bravo!

  4. Seana says:


    I’ve decided that these are my favorites because they are so random, but real feeling. I tried my hand at this and the result was a watery poor substitute. I like the way these look as if I could be looking at any counter top. I especially like the Yoda.

  5. petescully says:

    cheers seana, it is nearly finished now – very time consuming! Half the time is spent finding things to draw, things lying around the house. I drew Luke’s shoe this morning.
    thanks zooman, much appreciated! I am sticking to the multi-directional gaze of this piece, though I suspect it’s turning out that every direction may in fact be wrong…

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